"The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease"
Thomas A Edison
Pediatric Osteopathy
Birth can be traumatic on the baby and can create strains and torsions through your little ones body.
Babies can't express pain & discomfort with words but they will let you know when something isn't right.
Osteopathy is another way we can search for the cause of a problem they may have.
Cranial & Visceral Osteopathy
Did you know that Cranial and Visceral work are part of the Osteopathic Treatment?
Cranial Osteopathy or Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle method that uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system.
Visceral Osteopathy is a branch of osteopathy that aims to address the organs mobility within their natural body position to allow a better function of the whole system.
Holistic Nutrition
Holistic nutrition focuses on nurturing the body, mind, and spirit through whole foods and mindful eating.
It acknowledges how food choices, lifestyle, and individual health goals intersect to promote overall well-being. By prioritizing nutrient-rich foods and personalized dietary approaches, holistic nutrition aims to optimize vitality and enhance quality of life.
Fascial Stretch Therapy
Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) is a specialized form of assisted stretching focused on improving flexibility, mobility, and reducing pain by targeting the body's fascia. It involves gentle, controlled movements to elongate and release tension in the connective tissue.
FST is beneficial for enhancing athletic performance, relieving chronic discomfort, and promoting better movement patterns and alignment.
Reiki & Tui Na (Acupressure)
Reiki, Tuina and Energy Balancing helps clear and relax the energetic channeling systems of our body, including our nervous system, the meridians, chakras and aura. When our energy is able to flow
more easily through the body, we can then experience less stress and more relaxation -
allowing for more grace and vitality through life’s joys and challenges.
Manual Therapy
In manual therapy, we foster the body's innate ability to self-heal by reestablishing balance, mechanics, and motion.
Clients of all ages, can find relief and improvement through manual therapy. Whether as a preventative measure, a treatment option, or a source of comfort, manual therapy offers a holistic approach to health and well-being.