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Let’s Talk about Perimenopause

Writer: Veronique ValleeVeronique Vallee

Are you confused about what perimenopause is, what is going to happen and what matters as you age? There is a lot of information out there which can be overwhelming. Perimenopause does not have to be a bad time, with the right education and tools you can feel good.

You have the option to use natural therapies, hormone replacement therapy, and lifestyle changes to help you through this transition. I will walk you through all of your options to see what combination is right for you. We talk about all aspects of your health, so you are well informed, and you know how best to support yourself now and as you age. 

The things that get talked about the most:

  • Hot flashes

  • Night sweats

  • Weight fluctuations

  • Insomnia

  • Heavy, flooding periods

  • Bone health

The things that are just as important:

  • Cholesterol profile

  • Liver function

  • Brain health

  • Cardiovascular health

  • Vaginal changes

  • Nutrient requirements

It is impossible to separate perimenopause and menopause from aging. The good news is in

addressing your health you will improve all areas of your life. And when we monitor not just the symptoms you see and feel but the underlying ones you cannot, you get ahead of the aging game.

When we look deeper, we see a rise in estrogen levels as your body tries to ovulate, and a drop in progesterone when you do not. We see a subsequent increase in temperature changes as your body thermostat is no longer regulated by steady hormones. We see a rise in your cholesterol levels as we are using less up to make those hormones. We see a decrease in your muscle mass and a rise in our adipose tissue with changing estrogen. We slowly see your blood pressure rise coupled with cardiovascular changes. We can see increased UTIs, yeast infections and pain with intercourse. We can see brain fog and fatigue. However, with the right education and modifications this doesn’t have to be what happens.

If you are looking for help through this transition or just want more information, I would be

happy to help you. I offer complimentary 15 minute appointments to see if I can help you with your health. Looking forward to making your next years your best years!




Contact us

376 Churchill Ave N

Suite 305

Ottawa, Ontario


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