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How Often Should I Get Reiki?

Writer: Veronique ValleeVeronique Vallee

The ebbs and flows of our daily energy are a natural part of the human condition. When we start to attune to our energetic body, it can illuminate where to clear old stuck energy, set boundaries, and return to our natural, vital life force. Further, if we’re in the process of healing from chronic or acute health issues, or going through a major transformation in life, our bodies may require some additional relaxation and support to heal and move through the process. Reiki has been known to be a gentle yet powerful, complementary modality to other healthcare practices since Reiki helps (re)activate and support the body’s own healing response, calms our mental and emotional bodies, and (re)attunes us to spiritual support - the empowerment within and our connection to something greater. At Osteo Naturel, we combine Reiki (energy healing) with Tui Na (acupressure) to holistically balance the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies during a session. How often should you get Reiki and why? Like many holistic and natural modalities, sessions tend to show the most benefit over the long term (allowing for more integration and familiarity in the system versus a quick fix), but indeed 1 Reiki session can help remind us of what balanced energy feels like, leading to more clarity and feeling lighter in the days and weeks following. 

1 session: An initial session can help rebalance the auric field and start to clear energetic blockages in our system. It can be particularly helpful to do 1 session if:

  • you are facing a major life transformation and require clarity and support;

  • you have not given to yourself in a long time, and finally wish to give yourself a session to come back to your own energy; and/or,

  • you are looking for support and mentorship to manage and develop your intuitive abilities and energetic sensitivities (particularly for empaths and highly-sensitive-persons)

Ongoing support (generally bi-weekly, every 2-3 weeks): Clients who come for regular sessions for a mid-long term period, generally find that regular sessions: 

  • helps our energetic field function optimally during ongoing healthcare practices (such as talk therapy, osteopathy, medical or fertility treatments, and more). This can be particularly helpful if you require nervous system support on your journey, or to help ease anxiety, grief, headaches, insomnia, etc.;

  • Gives yourself additional support through prolonged periods of transformation (a major life transition in work and relationships, family dynamics, grief, move to another city, etc.);

  • Gives yourself regular time to balance from generally-stressful situations (such as spending a lot of energy caring for others, and/or high-stress or high-demand work environments); and/or

  • Provides ongoing support and mentorship in intuitive development, personal energy healing, and self-care modalities.  

Every situation is different! We always work with you to understand your unique circumstances. I encourage clients to trust and honor their intuition and always seek out support from a wellness practitioner when needed. There is no judgment in what you’re going through, only support, and the practitioners at Osteo Naturel are here to help.

As I practice Reiki and Tuina with clients at Osteo Naturel, I also want you to feel more empowered in your post-session self-care. After every session, I send notes, recommended easy exercises (for example, self-massage, yin yoga, breathwork, mindfulness and visualization, and Qi Gong), and education that can help you look after your energy easily, and as much as possible, after and between sessions.

To support you on your continued journey of wellness and making the time for yourself that you deserve, Osteo Naturel is offering 3 and 5-session packages for Reiki and Tuina, saving 10% each session, and allowing you to commit to the benefits over time.



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376 Churchill Ave N

Suite 305

Ottawa, Ontario


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